When the going gets tough...

Over the course of the past 27 years, I've gone out in the field to handle 17 hurricanes. I'm proud to have been a member of the BOAT/US Catastrophe Field Team in many of those assignments. I've worked on my own, as a field team member, and have crafted an emergency response plan for a major underwriter. My last assignment was to form and lead a team of surveyors to handle a multimillion-dollar, 450 yacht loss in the Caribbean.

This type of work involves being able to triage damage, contract salvage, identify potential third party liability issues, and to sort through repairs. Underwriters need to set accurate reserves as soon possible. Owners need to know if their boats are considered a total loss. Boatyards and property owners need to know who is going to help clean the whole place up.

The field surveyor cannot be vague about assessing the damage. You need to have the experience and ability to write realistic damage appraisals so the insurance carrier can start cutting checks to their policy holders.  It's hard to do this work with any shred of credibility unless you've had years of experience unraveling this mess.

This is high stress, high stakes business. The best approach is to have a team and contingency plans in place before Mother Nature strikes. 

Please Contact Me for a copy of my CV and sample work product
